IAPS Conventions are held every two years. The Eleventh Biennial Convention will be in Albuquerque, June 2-7, 2015. Watch this space for updates and information as it becomes available.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


A few spaces opened up on demonstration classes that have been full for some time, take a look you might want to grab one of these before they are gone!

DM102, demo with Richard McKinley on Thursday

DM207, demo with Fred Somers on Friday

DM208, demo with Aaron Scheurr on Friday

DM301, demo with Marla Baggetta on Saturday

DM303, demo with Barbara Jaenicke on Saturday

DM305, demo with Stan Sperlak on Saturday

For more information on these classes, and also to see which other classes still have open space, go to the IAPS website CLASSES page at: http://www.iapspastel.org/conv15_classes.php

Remember -  May 1 is the cut off day for adding or changing classes, so check this out NOW!

Susan Webster