IAPS Conventions are held every two years. The Eleventh Biennial Convention will be in Albuquerque, June 2-7, 2015. Watch this space for updates and information as it becomes available.

Monday, May 11, 2015


We have one spot open on WS07, one day portrait workshop with William Schneider on Wednesday, June 3. We would like to fill this, because it is an early workshop that begins before the registration desk opens in Albuquerque so nobody can purchase it there!

If anyone would like to purchase this workshop space, providing you don't have another workshop booked on that same day,  please send me an email at susanwebster@verizon.net

Also, if there is a workshop you want that has been listed as full, drop me an email with the WS number and I will put you on the waitlist.  Most workshops waitlists are either used up or are very short now so if we get a last minute cancellation I may be looking for somebody to fill it.  Do not however, ask to be put on the one for WS01 Sally Strand, she has a VERY long waitlist still!
