IAPS Conventions are held every two years. The Eleventh Biennial Convention will be in Albuquerque, June 2-7, 2015. Watch this space for updates and information as it becomes available.

Thursday, April 30, 2015


After midnight on May Day - Friday,  May 1 - you will no longer be able to book or change any classes, nor can we add any more registrations.  Online registrations have been closed for some time of course, but we have been offering spots to people on the waitlist, as we receive cancellations.

If you have to cancel your entire registration, be sure to send me an email as soon as you know.  Effective May 1 the cancellation policies change, and workshops (but not demonstrations) will be nonrefundable unless we are able to resell the cancelled spot to another participant.  For details on the cancellation policies please see the PRICING & POLICIES page on the website at: http://www.iapspastel.org/conv15_pricepol.php

If you have booked a workshop (WS class numbers) be sure to download and print the SUGGESTED MATERIALS LIST.  Go to the classes page at: http://www.iapspastel.org/conv15_classes.php , scroll to your class and click on the red link  underneath the class description to download the document.

When you get to Albuquerque, you can pick up your registration package starting Wednesday at 1pm.  Classes that still have spaces open, will be available for purchase.  Be aware that at the convention, classes that you have booked are nonrefundable and cannot be exchanged.  If you have a class you no longer wish to take, there will be a bulletin board where you can offer it and maybe resell it to another attendee. 

Not long now …. we’re looking forward to seeing you in Albuquerque!

SUSAN WEBSTER   susanwebster@verizon.net