IAPS Conventions are held every two years. The Eleventh Biennial Convention will be in Albuquerque, June 2-7, 2015. Watch this space for updates and information as it becomes available.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

A reminder that you can still open your registration record and print MY SCHEDULE … here's how ....
·         Open the IAPS website – www.iapspastel.org
·         Click on the yellow & red convention logo in the bottom left hand corner, this will take you to the convention pages.
·         Click on the page called REGISTER
·         Scroll down all the way to the bottom, and click on the tab that says EXISTING REGISTRATION LOGIN
·         Enter your email and your password and it will open up your registration record.
·         Go up to the square yellow box in the top right hand corner, put your cursor on MY SCHEDULE to see what you have booked
·         Click on the word PRINT and it will open up a printable copy.